Sean Bryan Alger aka S.B. Alger "A Conspiracy Theories Expert".. in his Action Feathered Mask & other Nefarious Deeds.. he would know.
Red Feather & Red Ropes & Red Ties
Sinner: Pedophilia, Murder, Antisemitism & Theft
Obsession is not a Healthy Mental State
Obsession is a mindset induced by the Devil.
Obsession could lead to theft, murder.. ruining one own's life and stability as well of those around.
Obsession is a Mental Illness
..Boom ..Pays $1.2 Million~!
Perhaps this was a Warning from God?
S.B. Alger's share of Attorney Fees that he owes to Tracy R. Twyman's Estate, besides his cuck friends.
He took the largest Hit as a sign from God
He took the largest Hit as a sign from God
He took the largest Hit as a sign from God
He took the largest Hit as a sign from God
He took the largest Hit as a sign from God
..and this doesn't look good, not good at all..
S.B. Alger is deemed 'unsafe' to be around his own daughters by a Court issued Restraining Order..
While so, he is Crusading for others' 'Children'... for he is a Good Willed Philanthropist... and doing it for 'the love of God'..
Justifying Pedophilia
The Religious Fanatic
"Why was Jesus arrested.. naked, with an underage boy?"
"I am obsessed with that guys work!"
S.B. Alger
..bitches, drugs, love damaged bitches, I got away, Fucking kids.. anon
..bitches, drugs, love damaged bitches, I got away, Fucking kids.. anon
..bitches, drugs, love damaged bitches, I got away, Fucking kids.. anon
..indeed, a Pedophile Trafficking via Codes
"Met best girl ever. Chubby" least not a matter of questionable, suspicious activities performed with a perverted God as hinted:
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."'..and what was going on between Tracy & God?'
..seduce, kids, 'science experiment', MTV, Ouija Board.. Satanism
Why does not the Pedophile keep to himself, nor keep his 'God' to himself?
Is it difficult to mind one own's business and not interfere in others' affairs?
The Pedo needs to keep his God to himself
The Pedo needs to keep his God to himself
The Pedo needs to keep his God to himself
The Pedo needs to keep his God to himself
The Pedo needs to keep his God to himself
'Keep your 'God' to yourself'
"my enemies works'".. would that include the Heretic Blasphemer Tracy R. Twyman, an arch Enemy to S. B. Alger?
..and thus, a Religious 'Crusade' was launched to eliminate (murder) and cancel Tracy R. Twyman..
To Gangstalk Tracy Twyman's Widower after finishing from Gangstalking Tracy Twyman to Death?
Is S. B. Alger trying to sound like Charles Manson?
It is concerning rather, very concerning that this pedo criminal is on the loose..
..and she is O.K. with it.. like nothing concerning is going on.. not good for a Public Servant, and a Mother..
Nurse Lee Taylor & Her Late 'Husband' Ryan Anselmo Bosse
(Who 'Suddenly' died, "dropped dead", of a young age allegedly by "pulmonary embolism")
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
'Oh my God! He just dropped Dead!'
Mr. Bosse's death was long before COVID-19 Vaccination release
Self Loathing S. B. Alger attempting to look like Jeffrey Epstein in his mugshot pose.. just like a sizzled Attention Whore..
What does Sean Bryan Alger has to offer, to demand such attention form the World?
'Keep your 'God' to yourself'
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
"I'm reluctant to relay what I know about Tracy and God..."
S.B. Alger is Hating on Jews in Public, yet promotes Isaac Kappy, an 'Israeli' asset, an ex. IDF Child Killer, as a Hero..